Test de inglés

Test de inglés

inglés Antes de realizar cualquier curso de inglés es conveniente conocer tu nivel.

Con el resultado de esta prueba podrás acreditar tu nivel de inglés en las academias de inglés, de acuerdo con el Marco Europeo de Referencia. Para la correcta puntuación del test debes contestar a las 60 preguntas sin olvidarte ninguna, pudiendo presentar el resultado ante el centro en el que deseas inscribirte, como prueba acreditativa de tu nivel actual.

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  • inglés
  • Reino Unido
desde 317 €


1My parents haven’t ….. back from hospital yet

  • A.come
  • B.came
  • C.coming
  • D.comed

2Those big cars on the corner are my …..

  • A.father cars
  • B.father’s cars
  • C.father of cars
  • D.car’s the father

3He ….. the bathroom when I went to see him

  • A.was painting
  • B.was to paint
  • C.painting
  • D.painted

4After ….. a match of paddle, they went for a walk

  • A.to play
  • B.play
  • C.playes
  • D.playing

5Peter and Mary have just arrived ….. Madrid this morning

  • A.on
  • B.in
  • C.at
  • D.to

6Does your friend take sugar ….. his coffee?

  • A.in
  • B.on
  • C.at
  • D.into

7There were ….. people there that morning

  • A.lot of
  • B.lots of
  • C.much
  • D.a lot

8There’s a dirty spot ….. the ceiling

  • A.on
  • B.in
  • C.at
  • D.into

9I don’t think this summer is ….. last summer

  • A.as hot as
  • B.as hot
  • C.so hot
  • D.hotter

10If Hannibal Lecter entered the store with a knife, what ….. you do?

  • A.will
  • B.would
  • C.did
  • D.should

11Stop ….., I’m trying to hear the news!

  • A.talking
  • B.to talk
  • C.to speak
  • D.of talk

12John hasn’t come to work yet. He must ….. ill

  • A.have been
  • B.been
  • C.to be
  • D.be

13That boy ought ….. but he prefers to play tennis instead

  • A.to be studying
  • B.be studying
  • C.to be study
  • D.to study

14That snake ….. for the last two months

  • A.hasn’t eaten
  • B.doesn’t eat
  • C.isn’t eating
  • D.has eaten

15The hobby of some film stars is ….. married

  • A.to getting
  • B.in getting
  • C.the getting
  • D.getting

16My grandparents still love ….. after 50 years of marriage

  • A.each other’s
  • B.each other
  • C.to one another
  • D.themselves

17Strange things have ….. in the sky at night

  • A.being seen
  • B.being seeing
  • C.been seeing
  • D.been seen

18Mr Standley, ….. is 83, runs 7 miles every day

  • A.whom
  • B.who
  • C.whose
  • D.which

19I remember very well ….. the door when I left

  • A.of locking
  • B.to lock
  • C.lock
  • D.locking

20You ….. heard those drunkards shouting all night. They made a terrible noise

  • A.might
  • B.must have
  • C.could have
  • D.might have

21I just remember people ….. at my foreign accent

  • A.laugh
  • B.laughing
  • C.to laugh
  • D.laughed

22Mrs. Stanley is in ….. of a hundred and fifty men

  • A.direction
  • B.leadership
  • C.management
  • D.charge

23My mother suggested ….. after lunch

  • A.leaving
  • B.to leave
  • C.leave
  • D.they left

24It’s difficult to get used ….. up early every day

  • A.to get
  • B.to getting
  • C.getting
  • D.get

25Would you mind ….. in this room, please?

  • A.not to smoke
  • B.not smoking
  • C.you not to smoke
  • D.your not smoking

26There ….. time for all that, if you hurried

  • A.would be
  • B.would have been
  • C.will have been
  • D.will be

27They said they would go the next day. «We ….. tomorrow», they said

  • A.would go
  • B.will go
  • C.went
  • D.have gone

28My sister ….. of the way you behaved at the Stanleys’

  • A.disapproves
  • B.condemns
  • C.disagrees
  • D.objects

29The family business was still ….. the old man himself

  • A.ran by
  • B.run by
  • C.run for
  • D.ran for

30Your son does not take ….. you in any way

  • A.behind
  • B.after
  • C.off
  • D.up

31….. I didn’t write, I would be thinking of you

  • A.Though
  • B.So
  • C.Even if
  • C.In spite

32I would have brought my coat if it ….. cold

  • A.would have been
  • B.had had
  • C.had been
  • D.were

33We were over worried about a ….. matter

  • A.punny
  • B.petty
  • C.measly
  • D.trifling

34I always work from 8 to 5, so at 4.45 tomorrow I’ll …..

  • A.have worked
  • B.have been working
  • C.be working
  • D.work

35My classmates have been ….. me about my new hairstyle

  • A.bothering
  • B.teasing
  • C.plaguing
  • D.worrying

36If you left that wasp alone it ….. you

  • A.wouldn’t sting
  • B.didn’t sting
  • C.stang
  • D.shouldn’t sting

37New ideas ….. discussed in the next meeting

  • A.are being
  • B.are to have
  • C.are to have been
  • D.are to have being

38The slaves were asking for …..

  • A.independence
  • B.autonomy
  • C.emancipation
  • D.freedom

39.«Your alarm clock is not working.» «Yes, I am going to ….. «

  • A.had it repaired
  • B.repair it
  • C.get repaired it
  • D.get it repair

40When I got there he ….. on his bed for hours

  • A.was laying
  • B.had been laying
  • C.had lain
  • D.will have been laying

41When my brother came back to United States he ….. the USA Today

  • A.entered
  • B.engaged
  • C.joined
  • D.joined with

42Picasso was an innovative painter who broke ….. the classical tradition

  • A.up from
  • B.away from
  • C.out of
  • D.into

43When you want to buy a motorbike you’ll have to break ….. your own savings

  • A.in
  • B.into
  • C.up
  • D.over

44Please, tell me the truth. Make a clean ….. of it

  • A.chest
  • B.breast
  • C.shoulder
  • D.head

45The will is by no ….. satisfactory to him

  • A.way
  • B.means
  • C.mean
  • D.reason

46I’d like you to know that fame is something very ……

  • A.fleeing
  • B.flying
  • C.fleeting
  • D.ephemera

47I now call ….. Mrs Stanley, who will make a speech about AIDS control

  • A.out
  • B.over
  • C.at
  • D.on

48That tennis match was called ….. because of the rain

  • A.off
  • B.up
  • C.over
  • D.out

49We couldn’t do anything about it. The die was ……

  • A.thrown
  • B.over
  • C.cast
  • D.tossed

50When my country was invaded the army was called …..

  • A.in
  • B.out
  • C.over
  • D.forth

51Let’s hope the rain will hold ….. during the match

  • A.off
  • B.up
  • C.down
  • D.in

52It wasn’t serious. It was just a storm in a …..

  • A.coffee pot
  • B.coffee cup
  • C.tea pot
  • D.tea cup

53That dinner was really delicious. It was fit for a …..

  • A.god
  • B.prince
  • C.king
  • D.queen

54Put a little more, just to be on the safe …..

  • A.Place
  • B.path
  • C.side
  • D.part

55She has just taken a ….. in anatomy

  • A.license
  • B.decree
  • C.degree
  • D.licenciature

56That old woman was as red as a …..

  • A.tomato
  • B.carrot
  • C.beetroot
  • D.pepper

57They know it already; I wonder who’s let the ….. out of the bag

  • A.rat
  • B.dog
  • C.cat
  • D.rabbit

58I will bring those boys to ….., don’t worry

  • A.hill
  • B.heel
  • C.heal
  • D.heed

59Give me the ….. or I’ll let you have it!

  • A.dough
  • B.dought
  • C.daunt
  • D.daub

60That motorbike must have set you ….. a couple of thousand

  • A.back
  • B.behind
  • C.down
  • D.off